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Command-line flags to see the code at each stage of compilation

An illustrated tutorial on how to see the code at each stage

The Compilation Process in C/C++ Knowing how your code compiles can be very helpful when writing and debugging it. Compiling a C/C++ program is a multi-stage process. The complete compilation process in C/C++ can be split into four separate stages: Preprocessing Compilation Assembly Linking By using appropriate compiler options, we can stop this process at any stage. These options are passed as command line parameters. In the following examples, I will be using the C++ programming language to write the code and g++ compiler to compile it. [Read More]

GitHub on your Resume

Make your GitHub profile a part of your resume

Git and GitHub Many of you might have heard about Git and GitHub. Git is a version control system created by Linus Torvalds (the very same guy who created Linux, btw, Linux is named after him) in 2005, it tracks changes to files and directories. GitHub is used extensively for hosting any kind of project and let other people contribute to them, it can be coding, design, review or writing documentation for any project. [Read More]

Android, Python, and Web Programming with HTML & PHP

(Part-2) - A Guide to Choosing Electives

In Part-1, I talked about courses which require you to understand concepts and learn them so that you can get started with building actual stuff with them. In this post, however, I am going to be talking about the courses in which you are going to freely experiment with the tools and you are definitely going to make something, say a simple app or a website during the course. These courses are more development focused and you must choose among these if you want to create something. [Read More]

Cloud Computing, IoT, and Wireless Communications

(Part-1) - A Guide to Choosing Electives

It is mandatory for students of computer sciences in their fifth semester to choose an elective course as electives are a great learning opportunity for students to learn something that is actually useful in real-life. Developing apps and websites, learning new technologies are all a part of the learning experience. It is advised that you choose your elective course carefully after being aware of what to expect from the course and what you want to do after it. [Read More]

A Brief Guide to Various Techniques in Hacking

Understanding Hacking Techniques and Kali Linux Toolkit Overview

Introduction To be a Hacker, one has to be a master of multiple disciplines ranging from Operating Systems to Networking, and of course programming. They need to know everything about everything, from latest server technologies like Node.js to old programming languages like BASIC and C. They know almost every web framework, operating system, wireless technology, encryption that there is, in and out. If you are finding weakness and loopholes in a system and gaining access or exploiting it then you are termed as a Hacker. [Read More]

Image Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks - Transfer Learning

Deep Learning with Tensorflow

Introduction Recently, I made a neural network image classifier that can be used by astronomers and scientists to classify whether an image is of a Globular Star Cluster or an Open Star Cluster. Here is the Project Link. You can refer here for knowing what are these two star clusters. It can be very tiresome and time consuming for scientists to carefully classify between the two. And my model aims to decrease the classification time for these two categories of star clusters. [Read More]

Introduction to the Dark Web

Understanding the dark web, for beginners

Introduction You hear about data leaks all the time in the media. Have you ever wondered where that data is leaked? You might’ve heard about the WannaCry ransomware attack last year. It is a program targeting Windows operating system as it installs and hijacks computers and demanding huge ransom, even ATM machines, personal computers as well as servers were not secure. It bought the US Healthcare System and French car maker, Renault to their knees. [Read More]

Bugs and Vulnerabilities

Are we really secure? (Part-4) - Understanding bugs and vulnerabilities

No matter how much time is devoted to developing an app or a website, or under how many eyes it passes through during its development stages, they still have vulnerabilities. Some have more so than others and some are just unusable. Every vendor on this planet has a security issue with their product. It has now become a fact of modern-day life. Take Microsoft for instance. CVE Details, a site that chronicles publicly disclosed vulnerabilities shows that in the 10 years starting with 2006 the company has disclosed an astonishing 3,157 security flaws. [Read More]

Apps and Permissions

Are we really secure? (Part-3) - How an app on your mobile phone is a potential threat

Android is an operating system for handheld devices like smartphones. It was announced in 2007 and was the first commercial device was released in 2008. Today, after exactly a decade in the future, it has more than 2 billion monthly active devices. With such level of a userbase, sure comes a lot of prying eyes on your data. Though Google Play Store has restrictions on what you can install and what data your apps see, it is just a matter of a few permissions before these apps can start harvesting your data. [Read More]

Data Breaches

Are we really secure? (Part-2) - Data breaches and how they work

In the last post, I talked about how people unknowingly give away the data which can be used to draw statistical inferences to a large degree of accuracy for a particular region or a country. There is another bigger threat to our data - ‘Data Breaches’. You store photos in the cloud and you save storage, you use online platforms that save your details and you are okay with it, you buy something online and all your online transactions are stored in a database. [Read More]