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Learning New Things is Frustrating

How to make it not.

“Learning is fun”, they say. Well, I beg to differ. Learning new things is frustrating, it is uncomforting at best. If you’re learning a new word, you can just attach a silly memory or wordplay with it and it’s there in your mind now and when you start using it daily, it sticks. But, this is not the case with other things such as sciences. Fields of study such as Economics, Biology, Mathematics, and Computer Sciences, enable you to solve real-life problems. [Read More]

An Idiot-Proof Guide to be Safe On the Internet

Are we really secure? (Part-5) - Browse Clean and Safe

You must’ve heard about tech giants not taking the protection of their user’s data seriously at all, yet again. And various news articles are already doing the rounds of my news feeds, yet again. From Quora to Facebook (well no surprises there), and even TRAI’s Chairman R.S. Sharma’s personal details were posted online after he openly challenged the Internet to do so. On 21 December 2018, The Ministry of Home Affairs issued an order authorizing 10 Central agencies to intercept, monitor, and decrypt “any information generated, transmitted, received or stored in any computer. [Read More]


Syntax and Usage

Markdown Markdown is a lightweight markup language that can be used to write plain text-format which can be converted to valid HTML. Using markdown you don’t need to write content within HTML tags, you can directly write text with markdown syntax and it’ll automatically get converted. You can also use HTML within markdown! Markdown files have an extension .md or .markdown. It is also different from your normal text editors like Word in which you click buttons to do the job. [Read More]

Quantum Computing - What you need to know

Is it time now to take the quantum leap in computing?

Another Buzzword? The term “Quantum Computing” has been one of the most popular buzzwords of 2018. And rightly so, it has already found many applications in almost every field out there, from Physics to Medicinal Sciences, even AI. Everybody can use some “quantum computing” like they are using the computers (referred to as “classical” from now on) in some way or the other. It has all the potential to disrupt every industry out there. [Read More]

The Year 2038 Problem

Is it the Y2K bug all over again?

Not Enough Storage If you know about The Year 2000 problem, also known as the Y2K problem, the Millennium bug, or the Y2K bug, then you know how bad it was. In short, only the last two digits of a year were used to store the years in computers and most electronic devices in the last century. But, as soon as we hit the year 2000, problems were anticipated, and arose, because many programs represented four-digit years with only the final two digits — making the year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900 or even 3000. [Read More]

Cosmos - A Spacetime Odyssey, Episode#2

Some of the Things That Molecules Do

Subjects: Biology, Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Earth Science, Anatomy, Physiology. This episode discusses evolution, DNA, mutations, natural selection, the tree of life, the evolution of the eye, history of life on Earth, mass extinctions, and Geologic Time Scale. Selection Artificial Selection - Selective Breeding Millions of years ago we domesticated some Wolves. Wolves with more submissive nature were accepted and more dominant ones were hunted. The genes of the domesticated wolves were passed down and became “the man’s best friend” - Dogs. [Read More]

Building webpages with AI

A look into Sketch2Code, an open source project by Microsoft's AI Lab

What seems to be the problem with building HTML pages? I think it has to do with the amount of work one has to do for building just the structural components. With machine learning, we can easily identify these components like lines, text, and boxes, and create code for it. But web designers can do that more efficiently. The problem is brainstorming designs. When having a lot of ideas in the mind, you can draw them on a paper or whiteboard in a jiffy, but the same is not true for code, which is a hefty amount of effort and not something designers want to do as it delays the design process. [Read More]

Cosmos - A Spacetime Odyssey, Episode#1

Standing Up in the Milky Way

Subjects: Physics, Astronomy, Earth Science, Space Science, Physical Science. This episode discusses our understanding of the universe. From defining our cosmic address, discussing the lives and ideas of Copernicus and Giordano Bruno, introducing the cosmic calendar, and explaining how science is a cooperative enterprise spanning the generations. It opens with this famous opening line from the 1980’s Cosmos by Carl Sagan: “The universe is all there is, or was, or ever will be. [Read More]

Cosmos - A Spacetime Odyssey

Prologue - My Notes and Elucidations on every episode

Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (2014) Cosmos is an American science documentary television series. It is a follow-up to the 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which was presented by Carl Sagan, one of the greatest astrophysicists and science communicators, and it is considered a milestone for scientific documentaries. It is one of the top-rated television series worldwide and if you’re someone who does not watch TV shows at all, this is the thing you should definitely not miss. [Read More]

Summary - An Introduction to Machine Learning for Students in Secondary Education

A Conference paper by Steven D. Essinger and Gail L. Rosen, Summary by Abhishek Arya

Introduction The following is a summary of the conference paper - S. D. Essinger and G. L. Rosen, “An introduction to machine learning for students in secondary education,” 2011 Digital Signal Processing and Signal Processing Education Meeting (DSP/SPE), Sedona, AZ, 2011, pp. 243-248. doi: 10.1109/DSP-SPE.2011.5739219 URL: IEEE Xplore Read online or download the full PDF here: ResearchGate Summary The paper elucidates a proposed machine learning (ML) lab for high school students, helping them to come up with machine learning based solutions that they can implement in their daily life. [Read More]